Answer :

The title "father of political science" is usually used for Aristotle.
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and a member of Plato's Academy.

He is known for his distinction between Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy -and for his conclusion that Democracy is the best system.

Aristotle is the father of political science.

Further Explanation:

Aristotle gave politics of character of Independent Science. He invented science of logic. His treatise “Politics” is most valuable works in the field of Political Science. “Politics” is the work on institutions like state, slavery, family and it to provided remedy to the politics of city state. Zeller said that politics of Aristotle was the richest treasure and will have greatest contribution in field of political science that we possess. In words of Renan, Aristotle  gave Science to mankind .He does not believe in justice and virtue but believe on concrete approach. He supported principle of unity,separation ofethics from politics was it second best contribution. He derived logical conclusion.  Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher (384-322 BC). The areas which he worked upon our Logic, Natural philosophy, Philosophy of mind, Meta-physics, ethics and politics. Hebelieved that science should be based on empirical data and taxonomy together .He had studied 158 constitutions only the Constitution of Athens have survived .Aristotle called man as political animal. The  antecedents went back to Socrates. Aristotle was unimpeachable authority in every science and art known till date. He favoured “golden mean” as the best approach to deal with any issue. He favoured “polity” as best practicable form of  government which is the rule of middle class.

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Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Political Science

Source: Western Political Science

Keywords: Independent Science, Science of logic, richest treasure, concrete approach, principle of unity, separation of ethics, empirical data, 158 constitutions, Man, political animal, Socrates, unimpeachable authority, golden mean, polity, rule of middle class.

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