Read the aphorisms. be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. an open foe may prove a curse; but a pretended friend is worse. a true friend is the best possession. according to these aphorisms from benjamin franklin's poor richard's almanack, what might happen if a person is careless in choosing a friend? it is best not to have friends because they will usually betray you. casual friends are often the best and can be more trusted than enemies. a person who has betrayed you can sometimes become a good friend. a friend who is not carefully chosen can be worse than an enemy.

Answer :

The answer is D:  Aphorism is a figure of speech used to express personal truths,a moral or philosophical priciples.  Benjamin Franklin's  aphorisms reflect a principle found in the Bible, in the book of Proverbs: Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceiful. Therefore, a friend who is not carefully chosen can be worse than an enemy



A friend who is not carefully chosen can be worse than an enemy.