Just a heads up these questions are relating to a program known as GIMP. (these are all fill-in-the-blank)


The __________ __________ tool option allows you to blur the edges of the selection making it look less sharp.

Which option do you choose in the Add Layer Mask dialog box to turn your selection into a mask?

__________ is a type of filter that distorts a layer making it appear like you’re looking through dirty glass.

In which drop-down menu do you find the option to add a blur to your background image layer?

What shape appears when you’ve completed making your selection with the Free Select tool (to let you know you’ve reached the beginning of your selection)?

When using the Toggle Quick Mask, everything outside of the selection becomes a __________ color.

When painting with the color __________ with the Toggle Quick Mask on, it removes part of your selection making it smaller.

When painting with the color __________ with the Toggle Quick Mask on, it adds to your selection making it larger.

To use the Paths tool, click and add __________ __________ (a tiny circle).

To close your selection when using the Paths tool, press and hold __________ while clicking the first anchor point you created.

The __________ __________ tool works just like the Free Select tool by clicking around an image to select it.

Answer :


The Answers are:

1. Feather Selection

When using the feather selection tool, you may also select the areas around and adjust the feathering to make it even more unnoticeable. You can adjust the settings in the feather selection tool pop up.

2. Selection

The Selection option will turn the selected areas into a mask. There are also the different types of options like White , Black  , Layer's alpha channel , Transfer Layer's alpha channel , Grayscale copy of layer , or just simply select your own channel.

3. Noise

The Noise filter is a type of filter that takes the pixels of the image and kind of pixelates different areas to give the effect of looking through a dirty glass. There are also different types of noise filters that are built-in the GIMP program itself.

4. Filter Menu

The Filter Menu contains an option called "Blur". To use the filter, you will simply have to select the layer of the background image and click on the Filter menu and select the type of blur you would like to apply to that image.

5. Circle Shape

When using the Free Select Tool you will begin at the point of where you want it. When you have selected areas that you want to crop out or simply edit, you will have to close the selection by connecting your current selection to the beginning of the line that you have created. A circle shape will then appear to indicate if that indeed is the beginning of the line that you have created.

6. Red

When you toggle the Quick Mask tool in GIMP, the entire image and that includes all the layers of your image will turn red. This is the indicator of what areas are going to be selected once you toggle the Quick Mask tool again.

7. White

When the Quick Mask tool is toggled, you can then select areas which you would like to isolate. By painting with a White brush, you will then be able to remove parts of the currently selected red areas. The white brush will simply remove the red areas indicating that it is not part of the selected area when the Quick Mask tool is toggled again.

8. Black

The Quick Mask tool selection can be increased by using a Black brush. The black brush will add a red color when painting over the areas that you have currently selected, thus making it part again of the overall selection made.

9. Points

The Paths tool is a tool that can be used to create a path that can be used for different methods. These paths are created by click on the canvas and will then create a point. These points can be connected to indicate the different areas that you would like to use.

10. Ctrl or Cmd(Mac)

The Paths tool cannot be simply closed by connecting the end point to the starting point. To close the path that you have created, you will need to hold down the Ctrl Key or Command Key for Mac users before you will be able to close the path that you have created.

11. Scissors Select

The Scissors Select tool actually works like the free select tool; however, the Scissors Select tool is equipped with an edge-following logic. This edge-following logic automatically tries to detect the differences between the colors of where the selection has been made and separates the colors automatically.