Answer :
The Sept. 11 attacks affected nearly all Americans in some way. Nationally, two-thirds say the attacks had a great emotional impact on them, and another quarter say it had some effect. Fewer than one-in-ten say the events did not move them much.
Demonstrating the national scope of the tragedy, the emotional impact was only slightly greater in the targeted cities than elsewhere; nearly three-quarters in the New York City and Washington D.C. areas say they were moved a great deal by the attacks. Women felt emotionally affected more severely than men 74% of women nationally say they were moved a great deal, compared to 58% of men, a pattern which was mirrored in New York and, to a lesser extent, Washington.
The attacks of 9/11 have generated greater political awareness and a tendency towards greater political commitment in the affected families, and a wave of activism has also arisen among the families of the victims. This fact divided the story in two, the North American country has directed its efforts to do justice and to focus all its enegía to recover the security, the trust and the lost order.