1.2.6 practice: comparing governments
Japan, north Korea, and the Philippines each have a constitution. what role does eah country constitution play in organizing power in the government and shaping the lives of citizens?

Answer :


Japan is a constitutional monarchy, in other words, they have a cabinet that is led by a Prime Minister, who is elected by popular vote. The emperor of Japan has moderate influence over the nation's affairs.

North Korea is governed by a communist regime, which is led by Kim Jong-un, who is considered as the "supreme leader" of the country. He succeeded his father Kim Jong-il and one of his children will eventually claim the leadership of the country once he passes away.

The Philippines is a constitutional republic, which elects the President by popular vote. This president must leave the post after his legal tenure is over.

Regarding people's freedoms, North Korea offers the least of this right to its citizens, as they all are assigned predefined tasks and roles within society. The Japanese have followed a philosophy of government that goes back to centuries, with the emperor taking the important decisions. The Philippines has had regimes that follow different ideologies throughout time. Although being the people's will, it may hinder the country's vision as for how it sees itself in the future, as successive leaders with different ideas tend to replace policies, including those who were doing well.  

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