
Founded in 1865
· Helped former slaves find homes, employment
· Ended in 1871
These are describing which government program?

Answer :


16. Being sent to fight for the South

At that time, many of them died because the prisoners mostly used to handle really dangerous tasks that most likely resulted in fatalities (such as sending them to area of landmines or attacking the territory filled with enemies). It is predicted that around 13,000 died because of mistreatment in the prison.

17. Addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War.

The 13th amendment was created to abolish slavery, the 14th amendment was created to give the former slaves equal treatment in the eyes of the law, and the 15th amendment was created so the former slaves have the rights to vote for their representative in the government.

18. federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves.

Following the abolishment of the slavery, the federal governemnt mandated the southern states to treat the former slaves as equal. But this is far easier said than done since the establishment had run for hundred of years. Which is why a monitoring was seen as necessary to ensure that the southern states follow the new regulation.

19. Sharecropping

The sharecropping method was similar to what the Europeans implemented during the feudalism era. But the amount of productivity that the southern states managed to do without slavery system was really small and caused economic recession in southern states.

20.The state constitution did not recognize blacks' rights to hold public office

At that time, only white male citizens are allowed to hold public office since the slaves were brought in not to become a part of citizens. This misconception was finally managed to be overrided due to the creation of the 15th amendment.

21. a desire to rebuild the country quickly and without ill feelings following the war.

Despite the gruesome war between southern and northern states, all of them realize that each of them was an integral part for each other. Whether it's in term of economy or national defense. This is why an effort was made to re-build the country along with the anger that resided because of the civil war.

22. Ku Klux Klan

The group was notorious to cause physical harm to the people who were opposing their extreme ideology.  During their act of violence, they tend to use white robes that cover their face all the way down to their toes in order to cover their identities.

23. Freedmen's Bureau

The freedmen Bureau was created to address the hardships that former slaves have to obtain job opportunities . The helps mostly take form in immediate necessities such as clothing, foods and drinks, temporary shelter, working tools, etc

24. The southern economy was still based on  agriculture and cotton, but now depended on   sharecropping rather than slave labor.

By this period, industrial revolution has been introduced in north america, so technically the southern states can use machinery and improve their production. But most people on that territory was so used in their old ways and reject the innovation until 1900s)

25. Federal government intervention in the former Confederate states in order to monitor the treatment of former slaves. right after the civil war

Before the civil war, Black people were treated as properties. Even after the civil war ended and all the slaves were freed, people cannot automatically change their habbit. Which is why monitoring and intervention were implemented to ensure that the southern states followed the abolishment guideline.

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