
Help me write a thesis paragraph with this as your starter sentence

The American Revolution and the French Revolution were similar in that they were both born out of Enlightenment ideals, but differed in their character and outcomes.

Answer :


What steps did Cleisthenes take to strengthen democracy in Athens?

Introduced further reforms making Athens a full democracy by balancing the power of the rich and poor, Increased the power of the assembly by allowing all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage, Created the Council of Five Hundred.

What are the four basic principles of Roman Law?

1) All citizens had the right to equal treatment under the law

2) A person was considered innocent until proven guilty

3) The burden of proof rested with the accuser rather than the accused

4) Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside

How do the steps taken by leaders of Athens reflect a turn toward democracy?

Solon started policies of political reform establishing four classes of citizenship based on wealth rather than heredity, also creating the Council of Four Hundred. Pericles strengthened the democracy by increasing the number of paid public officials by paying jurors.

Was Athenian democracy under Pericles truly a democracy? Explain.

Yes it was a true democracy because Pericles got the citizen's participation and was able to turn it into a direct democracy where the citizens themselves directly made laws

Which characteristic of the government under the Roman Republic had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition

The fact that the citizens could elect the leader they wanted was one of the greatest characteristics of the republic and this character is still used today in our democratic did the Reformation indirectly contribute to the growth of democracy?

By challenging the authority of monarchs and popes.

How did the Reformation promote the idea of individualism?

Placing emphasis on the importance of an individual and encouraging people to make their own decisions on their religion and other beliefs.

How did the printing press help promote ideas of democracy?

Different works of literature including Bible could be easily spread, giving people new ideas and beliefs, promoting individualism and religion.

What were the three eventual consequences of William the Conqueror's victory at Hastings?

1) the end of feudalism, 2) the beginning of centralized government in England, and 3) the development of democracy

Why did Parliament invite William and Mary to rule England in 1689?

So a Protestant outlook would replace the Catholic monarchy.

What impact did the English common law have on the United States?

Common law later spread to many English-speaking countries, and became the basis legal systems in the United States.

Why was Oliver Cromwell's rule like that of an absolute monarch?

He spent several years crushing a series of uprisings against his rule. He was also opposed both by supporters of monarchy and by more extreme Puritans, becoming unhappy with Parliament's failure to enact his religious, social, and economic reforms.

What were the main achievements of the Glorious Revolution?

Parliament established its right to limit the English monarch's power and to control succession to the throne becoming a constitutional monarchy, in which the constitution and the laws of the country restrict the powers of the ruler.

What were natural rights?

Rights that all human beings had, by nature, the right to life, liberty, and property.

What was Rousseau's idea of government?

Rousseau advocated democracy, and called the social contract an agreement among free individuals to create a government that would respond to the people's free will.

What political rights are set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

It is a worldwide standard for basic social, political, and economic rights.

How did the writers of the U.S. Constitution adapt the political theories of the Enlightenment?

It took from the natural rights of life, liberty, and property taking life and liberty and adding it to their document.

In what ways was the French Revolution similar to and different from the American Revolution?

The French Revolution and American Revolution are similar because they were both based on the basics of individualism formed from Enlightenment. The French Revolution and American Revolution are different because the American Revolution ended in democracy while the French Revolution ended in a dictatorship. America won, while French lost

which of the Christian teachings supports the central idea of democracy?

The way Paul stressed the essential equality of all human beings which is a belief central to democracy


The American Revolution and the French Revolution were similar in that they were both born out of Enlightenment ideals, but differed in their character and outcomes were very THANKS similar FOR and the french revolution THE was not as appealing POINTS.

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