Answer :
may 1, 2004 no one will ever forget this day. all started with a young boy named nick. he only wanted to get along and play with the people at his new school. but he didn't quite fit in with everyone else. he had an odd hair color, grey, and he was cross eyed. everyone made fun of him and teased him. there was another young boy named james, he also wanted to fit in and thought if he made fun of nick like everyone else he would. he started spreading rumors that nick really wasn't human and had a tail and danced around like a monkey. nick wasn't laughing he was hurt and telling them to stop only made them keep going. he tried telling people but they all wanted him to take it like a man and not be such a baby his whole life. the next morning he saw james and confronted him about the rumors he was spreading, but james didn't take him seriously. he laughed and told him to get out of his way. nick was so sad. he felt like he didn't want to live anymore. no one listened to him, everyone laughed at him, he was an outcast. these thoughts were racing through his head he had nothing to live for he was ugly no one liked him. he ran up the stairs to his schools roof. I hate this life! I hate everyone! the teachers and students all heared him. the teachers run up the stairs as fast as they could!, time running out, nick at the edge of building. he could see a firemen at the bottom, time felt slower, he could feel each drop of rain pounding on his head. everyone shocked beyond words. but nick couldn't take it anyomore. no more hurt. no more suffering. he jumped off the ledge. everyone heartbroken and stunned as they witnesses nick fall 3 stories down to the concrete. no more pain, no more suffering, no more pain SPLAT! the end.