Ch. 9-12
Directions: Please respond to the prompt in AT LEAST 10 sentences. You will need to have 3 pieces of textual evidence (using direct quotations with page numbers) to support your ideas. Use the R.A.C.E. format for this assignment. This is due on Thursday, May 2nd at the start of class to Google Classroom. Paper copies may only be turned in if prior arrangements were made BEFORE the day it is due.
Prompt: A major theme throughout chapters 9-12 is Violence. Choose ONE of the main characters from the book to look at. 1.) Describe how they see/participate in violence and 2.) explain why they have this approach. You may also choose quotes from earlier in the book as well. ((ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THIS QUESTION))
Ch. 9-12
Directions: Please respond to the prompt in AT LEAST 10 sentences. You will need to have 3 pieces of textual evidence (using direct quotations with page numbers) to support your ideas. Use the R.A.C.E. format for this assignment. This is due on Thursday, May 2nd at the start of class to Google Classroom. Paper copies may only be turned in if prior arrangements were made BEFORE the day it is due.
Prompt: A major theme throughout chapters 9-12 is Violence. Choose ONE of the main characters from the book to look at. 1.) Describe how they see/participate in violence and 2.) explain why they have this approach. You may also choose quotes from earlier in the book as well. ((ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THIS QUESTION))