Answer :
This relates to the Five Pillars of Islam, the Hajj, Zakat, Salat, Shahadat and Fasting in the month of Ramadan.
The Muslims believe in the five fundamentals of Islam and believe that every practicing Muslim should follow it.
1. Hajj - This is pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah, that every Muslim must make at least once in the life, if they can afford to do so, and if they are healthy.
2. Zakat - It is mandatory for Muslims to give 2.5% of their wealth in charity every year.
3. Salat - Also known as the 5 daily prayers that Muslims should perform throughout the day.
4. Shahadat - Is the belief that there is only one true God, the God of Abraham, Moses etc.
5. Fasting - Every Muslims who is above the age of 12 is required to fast during the month of Ramadan from dawn till dusk. Women who have menses, elderly, unhealthy people are not supposed to fast.
The five requirements of obedience of Allah are:
- First Guideline: Shahadah (Vocation of trust)
- Second Guideline: Salat (Devotion)
- Third Guideline: Zakat (Almsgiving)
- Fourth Guideline: Sawm (Fasting)
- Fifth Guideline: Hajj (Crusade to Mecca)
- Shahadah represents the Vocation of trust, since this the general statement for all the Muslims though out the world. This statement show the real trust on their god "Allah" and his messenger Last Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh), so their worship will be given only to their god “Allah” throughout their life time.
- Salat represents Devotion, Which is to worship the God "Allah" for five times throughout the day. Where the timings are Fajr (4:37 AM), Sunrise (5:58 AM), Dhuhr (12:26 PM), Asr (3:47 PM), Maghrib (6:53 PM), Isha (8:23 PM). So during this time period all the Muslims should pray their god.
- Zakat represents Almsgiving, since this is also a major guideline from the Muslim act. So almsgiving is necessity for every Muslim. Where they should work with their own hands for their benefit and then give something out of such earnings in charity. And also this act express to be good and to keep every ones smiles up.
- Sawm represents Fasting, during the period of Ramadan, all Muslims will take fasting from first light until dusk. So during this fasting period, they keep their food, drink, and sexual relations away. And for older people, ladies who are discharging, pregnant or nursing, the sick persons are allowed to split the fast and make up an equivalent number of days after the fasting in the year.
- Hajj represents the Crusade to Mecca, a huge number of Islamic admirers from everywhere throughout the world set out on a devotional trip to all the while merge at the "Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca", the origination of Islam. It happens during the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar schedule and is the trip which all physically fit grown-ups must embrace in any event once in their life on the off chance that they can bear the cost of it.