Answer :


'The Bay of Pigs' invasion is an fail attempt by the US backed Cuban exiles to revolt against Fidel Castro and to take the power. The invasion at Bay pf Pigs was planned during the time of Eisenhower government and CIA trained the Cuban exiles at Guatemala. The plan was made after Fidel Castro took the power of Cuba after an armed revolt and became the leader of the Cuba. United States was doubtful to him as his close relation to Russia.

The original invasion plan was based on the air strike against Cuban air bases. A 1,400-man invasion force would disembark under cover of darkness and launch a surprise attack. Then the main revolution force will advance to the the island to Matanzas and set up a defensive position. The United Revolutionary Front would send leaders from South Florida and establish a provisional government.

However, the plan was failed. But the main goal of the plan was to remove Fidel Castro from power and set up a US backed government.


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