Answer :

There once was a boy named Ben,
he lived in a cottage with his mother and father. One time he was playing and broke his mothers lamp and hid it under the bed. The next day Ben’s mother asked him if he had seen her lamp, but Ben said to his mother “No mother I have not seen your lamp.” On the next day his mother asked him again.
But Ben said “No mother I have not.”
On the third day Ben’s mother was cleaning under her bed and cut herself on some glass. She looked under the bed and shrieked with shock. Ben came running into his mother’s bedroom,
“What’s wrong mother?” He said.
“Ben? Did u hide this lamp under my bed?”
“No mother, why would I do that?”
“I’m sorry mother, I cannot lie to you anymore, I broke your lamp and hid it under the bed, I’m so sorry mother.”
“Oh Ben, why would you do such a terrible thing?”
Then, out of nowhere she gave me a big bear hug.
“I’m not mad at you she said.” I just wish that you had told me the truth.” She said with a calm and soothing voice.
And this is why you should never lie, you should always be honest no matter what the consequences are.



Kevin smirked at Jason smugly as he insulted him. Jason was a short skinny guy whilst Kevin was huge and chunky. Kevin kept poking at Jason to provoke him and taunting him. Eventually Jason got sick of it and swung a punch at Kevin. Kevin laughed loudly ,swung a punch at Jason and knocked him out with one blow...... Jason  humiliated himself in front of his whole school.

moral of story don't pick fights on guys twice your size

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