Answer :
The structure of the atmosphere is divided into five layers of atmosphere from the earth surface to 120 km near the space.
The structure of the atmosphere is divided into tow main parts (homosphere and hetrosphere). within these two broad sections, earths atmosphere is divided into 5 subsections from the ground surface to near the space. these subsections are:
Troposphere: It lies from the earth surface to 10 km in the atmosphere. All weather phenomenon happens in this layer. it is also called nature's lab.
Stratosphere: It is the 2nd layer which lies from 10 to 50 km in the atmosphere. It is a calm layer. Aeroplanes fly in this layer due to no weather disturbances.
Mesosphere: It is the 3rd layer and it is the coldest layer of the atmosphere because of ionization process happens in this layer. It lies from 50 to 90 km in the atmosphere.
Thermosphere: It is the 4th layer and it is the hottest layer of the atmosphere because of the presence of meteorites. It lies from 90 to 120 km in the atmosphere.
Exosphere: Its is the 5th layer and here atmospheric structure ends from 120 km. The exosphere is the most distant atmospheric region from Earth's surface.