Answer :

The foreign policy of the John F. Kennedy administration was the foreign policy of the United States from 1961 to 1963 while John F. Kennedy was president. ... His administration resulted in the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis and refrained from further escalation of the Berlin Crisis of 1961.

John F. Kennedy's presidency is known for his New Frontier policies, containment policy toward the Soviet Union, support for civil rights, and expansion of the space program

Though LBJ often gets credit for the escalation in Vietnam, it really began under JFK, when the number of “advisors” went from 500 to over 15,000. He turned what was the Military Advisory Group (MAAG) into a full-fledged field command under a four-star general, with helicopter pilots regularly engaged in conflict. With the tacit approval for the overthrow and assassination of S. Vietnam’s leader, Ngo Dinh Diem, the US commitment to S Vietnam was bound to escalate.

Contrary to revisionists who claim JFK wanted to pull-out of Vietnam, you only need listen to his own words. Oliver Stone is famous for repeating this quote from JFK, ignoring his last sentence:

“In the final analysis, it is the people and government of S. Vietnam itself who have to win or lose this struggle. All we can do is help, and we are making it very clear. BUT I DON’T AGREE WITH THOSE WHO SAY WE SHOULD WITHDRAW.” Kennedy was a Cold Warrior, even accusing Ike of being soft on communism. The exaggerated claims of Soviet military superiority led to an increase in defense spending, and what some consider, the impetus for the Arms Race.

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