Match these items with the year or decade in which they were created.

Cinema Verite 1960s, Betacam 1982, VHS Cam 1983, Consumer HDTV 1970s, You_tube 2005.
1. Cinema Verite: 1960s
2. Betacam: 1982
3. VHS camcorder: 1983
4. Consumer HDTV: 1970s
5. You_Tube: 2005
-Cinema Verite is a type of documentary film movement that included real conversations and actions in the movies and it was invented in the 1960s.
-Betacam is a videocassette product that was created in 1982.
-VHS camcorder is a videocassette recorder that was created in 1983.
-HDTV is a television system that has a resolution that is higher than the previous technologies and the first consumer HDTV was created in Japan in the 1970s.
-You_Tube is a website for sharing videos that was created in 2005.