Answer :
The seven step approach for decision making is:
1. Identify the need for the decision
Try to determine the background of the decision to be made
2. Gather information related
Research information and data related to the problem which will help in resolving the problem matter.
3. Identify alternatives present
Keep a list of possible alternatives for the decision. Having a Plan A up to Z works!
4. Weigh the gathered evidence available
Know and see what are the highs and lows of each decision.
5. Choose the correct decision among alternatives
Decide which resolution is the best, or have combinations to produce a better outcome.
6. Take action
If everything is situated according to plan, Act.
7. Review your decision
Reevaluate your path if it needs minor modifications or a total re-haul.
The seven step approach which is suggested to be taken in other to make a decision are sequentially ordered thus :
1.) Identifying the need to make a decision :
The first step in the approach is to establish why and on what ground a certain decision has to be made.
2.) Gathering required information:
Once, the need to make a decision has been established, next is to acquire the required or relevant information on the decision to be made.
3.) Possiblities of Alternatives :
Keep an eye on possible alternatives in other to have numerous options.
4.) Evaluate the alternatives:
Weigh up the feasibility of the alternative plans available.
5.) Choose best available option :
Once evaluation has been concluded, go for the best alternative available.
6.) Work on the chosen plan :
Set your plan in motion immediately
7.) Review your decision :
Take a look back at what you've done in other to take note of future lessons.
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