Statistical methods are classified into two major categories: descriptive and inferential. Describe the general purpose for the statistical methods in each category.

Answer :


Descriptive and Inferential.


The statistical method is divided into two methods. both methods give different insights for statistical data. both methods are equally important.  

Descriptive methods:

This method is used with a description of the data sample.

For example, if you have  banana's, apple, mango's, oranges. you have 100 fruits and out of hundred 40 apples sold out then 40% of apple sold out and rest of in basket are total fruits.  

Inferential methods:

This method is used on a large population.

Suppose you want to measure the height of men. It  is not possible to measure all men's height  but out of large population we can take a sample and measure the height and it can be can generalized.  

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