Answer :
In humans, males sex determination is trigged by a Y linked gene (SYR) female sex determination occurs in XX embryos by default
The sex of the individual is defined through the interaction of genes that are situated in homologous pairs, that is, sex chromosomes (heterosomes or allosomes).
In humans, sex is determined by the XY system. The man has 44 autosomes + XY, being heterogametic: 22 A + 22 A + Y. And women have 44 autosomes + XX, being homogametic: 22 A + X.
Even though male chromosomes are different from female chromosomes, these sex chromosomes are homologous and are similar in meiosis, but there are no partial chromosomes in the male chromosome, so their pairing is partial. In homologous regions, there is pairing between the X and Y chromosomes, and in non-homologous regions, there is no pairing between the X and Y chromosomes.
Man produces two types of sperm, which are composed of equal amounts of X chromosome and Y chromosome, so it is called heterogametic. The woman is considered homogametic, because in the egg she produces there is only one X chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm that has X chromosome, consequently the zygote will have an X chromosome and a Y, that means the sex of the son will be male. Otherwise, if the egg is fertilized by an X sperm, the zygote will have two X chromosomes, and its sex will be female. This whole process of defining sex occurs in fertilization.