
Mr. Spencer - ELA III - Fall 2019
Due Aug 30
25 points
1.9 - What is Freedom?
Steven Spencer
Aug 26
in your class-assigned table groups, create a Prezi grphic organizer that highlights what Franklin D. Roosevelt's "The Four Freedoms"
and 'The Preamble and Bill of Rights transcripted portions to the Constitution of the United States' both have to say about the
concept of freedom. There should be a minimum of 5 different descriptors of freedom from each source. Include quotes and be sure
to make your prezi aesthetically pleasing
Class comments
Jorge Preciado Aug 30
Partners Alex Soltero, Julian Gonzales, Kahlil Martin Period 4
Remington Thomas Sep 6
Partners Chloe Cooper Mikalya Tombs, Ohanna Ramirez

Answer :

Answer:There should be a minimum of 5 different descriptors of freedom from each source. Include quotes and be sure


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