Answer :

Answer:The Heroes in the Heartland event honors individuals who have saved another person’s life during the past year or who have positively impacted the quality of life in the Omaha Council Bluffs Metro area. The event was held from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 7, 2019.

“We were excited to be asked by the American Red Cross to be honorary chairs for the Heroes in the Heartland event,” said Mick and Judy Guttau. “The Red Cross provides many services and programs, but its impact to the Armed Forces touches a soft spot in our hearts. As honorary chairs our role has been to assist with fundraising for the American Red Cross.”

For several years, Mick and Judy Guttau have been gracious supporters of the American Red Cross. Additionally, TS Bank has donated a multi-year gift of $15,000 to be utilized for disaster relief in the Southwest Iowa region.

Mick Guttau served as a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War, an experience his children said helped shape his life after military service. TS Banking Group CEO, Josh Guttau said his parents’ involvement with the Red Cross was, “driven by Mick experiencing in Vietnam friends that went through trauma. Seeing the importance of blood and emergency response that the Red Cross represents.”

“Certainly his life has been defined by being raised on a farm, meeting my mother in college and falling madly in love, and serving in Vietnam as a cobra helicopter pilot,” Heidi Guttau said.

Josh Guttau said that many people see his father as the reason TS Bank has grown and prospered.


“But working inside of it, I understand that without individuals like my mother along side taking care of the details and keeping things moving, it doesn’t work,” he said.

Discussing Mick and Judy Guttau, family friend, Duane King said the word to describe them is “faithful.”

“They’re faithful to God, they’re faithful to each other, they’re faithful to their country, to their community,” King said. “The whole community is blessed by them.

I hope that I helps you.

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