
of plymouth plantation 1. Lines 78–109: What three allusions does Bradford use in these two paragraphs? How do these allusions support Bradford’s central idea that the Pilgrims endured a difficult journey into an unknown wilderness?

Answer :



There were some things that made that journey difficult.


First of all Bradford wants to show the difficulties they had to finance the trip.

Later, they find a prpblen with the first ship, it is leaking.

The next problem they face is the time they arrived, it was winter and it is pretty difficult for them actually Bradford said: "They have nothing to sustain them but God’s mercy" Thakns to this difficult condition in winter  more than half died.

The pilgrims were atacked by Indians with arrows, but any of them died. They killed a lot of Indians.

Many pilgrims died, there was a time in which there were only half a dozen healthy pilgrims.

After some time, they were able to survive, in spite of the starvation and the illnesses, now they knew how to live their new life fishing and planting.  

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