
Read the sentence and study the table.

The women’s club held fundraisers on a semiannual basis.

A 2-column table with 1 row. The first column is labeled Prefix with the entry semi-. The second column is labeled Meaning with the entry half in value; happening once halfway through a specific time period.

Based on the definition of the prefix, what does the underlined word mean?

once a year
twice a year
twice a month
every other year

Answer :

Semiannual is twice a year


The word "semiannual" means:

B) twice a year.


First, let's understand the main word. Annual is a synonym to yearly. If we have an annual event, that means the event takes place once a year.

However, the word we're working with is "semiannual". Semi is a prefix, a word that is added to the beginning of another one to transform it into a new word. Semi means "happening once halfway through a specific time period", according to what was provided in the question. Therefore, if an event is semiannual, it means it takes place "once halfway" a year. Halfway a year is six months. The event takes place once every six months. Thus, the event happens twice a year.

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