Answer :
Don't worry! I'll write a starter for you and you can continue.
I vividly remember rushing home on my bike. The storm was getting worse, I could only see clearly for at least 20 feet. I sped up, due to the loud sounds of the storm behind me. It felt weird, ya know, to be riding a bike during this horrible storm. I would usually be riding home with my best friend Donovan, but being the nut he is he's stuck in detention. I sped up on my bike, ready to take a sharp left turn, but as soon as I did my bike slid. I didn't scream, not until a saw a strike of lightning hit my bike. And as you and I know, electricity can pass through metal very easily, so I screamed out of pain as the electricity passed throughout my body. It wasn't for long, but I flopped onto the ground as I let out a shaky sigh. Suddenly, a pair of lights appeared on my face, it was a car- heading straight my way. I couldn't move, so out of fear and shock, I put my hand up and screamed "STOP!". I shut my eyes tight, so tight it was beginning to hurt, but soon it felt like everything in me was being collected in one spot. The center, and before I knew it, everything blasted out, and I heard a huge crash. Opening one of my eyes out of curiosity, I can't express the emotion I felt when I saw the car on it's side, some feet away from me. I opened my other eye, and I was so confused, it was scary. Despite the pain, I picked up my bike and ran on the sidewalk with it, before hopping on and riding away. I could hear the man in the car calling "Hey kid- kid? Are you alright? What happened?" I shut my eyes and rid faster, all the way home.