Answer :
Although one would read this case and think that it was no big deal, after all Stefanie did have a really high score, maybe not as high as expected by the program, to enter, but close enough, there were two particular factors in which this educator failed. So here would be the answers to your questions:
1. The first behavior that violated the Code of Ethics for Educators would be when M. Miles allowed her personal involvement with the student to sway her in helping the girl enter the program. The second, and gravest, was the adjustment of the scores of Stefanie to ensure that she was accepted in the program, which in itself is a violation of the principles in the Code of Ethics because what she is showing the student is that the end justifies the means. Third, she has also diminished the gravity of violating, or "bending" the rules, even if not by a big margin, to favor someone she knows personally. All of these affect the student, Stephanie, because coming from an educator, these become ingrained in the student as necessary, or correct, measures in order to help someone.
2. This educator violated the First Principle of the Code of Ethics: Ethical conduct towards students. Specifically, standard 1: dealing considerately and justly with each student and seeks to resolve problems in accordance to district and school policy. By adjusting Stefanie´s records, this educator is not being just to Stefanie, and neither is she being fair to other students. She is allows personal issues to impede her good judgement. And she is also violating standard 5: The educator endeavors to present facts without distorting them, without bias and without personal prejudice.
3. Ms. Miles could have attempted instead to prepare Stefanie´s case in such a way that the committe might have rather considered her as a potential candidate for the program, even if she did not have the required 97. Otherwise, she might have better been very sincere with Stefanie and let her know that her results were not enough to ensure her entrance in that particular program, or help her rather to excel in other possible programs.