
Sal is in seventh grade and is struggling at school. He gets Ds and Fs; he never has his homework done; and he does not think he is smart. Because his older brother dropped out of high school, Sal has been thinking, "No one from my family ever did well at school, so neither can I." Write Sal a letter that describes three specific examples of tools or success strategies from this class that can help him. Give Sal hope and tools he can use to succeed. Show him that he can improve at school.

Answer :

You can say "Have confidence in yourself, never give up, everyday there's people that learn new things. You can say just because your family didn't have confidence in themselves, doesn't mean that you're any less smarter. You can say, you have potential to prove to your family that you're different. You can say that, just because they felt like they're not smart, that it's probably because they didn't want to try hard at something they want or deserve.

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