Answer :
Alvarez shows how her lifelong fascination with her parents' life under the dictatorship was the basis for her writing is correct.
"A genetics of justice" is a book by Julia Alvarez, an American poet and writer whose parents were born in Dominican Republic and lived under Rafael Trujillo's dictatorship, that took place between 1930 and 1961. The book develops this topic and also what the author's perspective was.
In the three excertps, readers can understand that Alvarez learnt a lot from what her parents lived, and this seems to be a very reliable source for her, including words and non verbal signs, such as whispering and her parents' faces when they discussed something related to Trujillo. This fascination and mystery surrounding the dictator could have been the basis for her writing, as we can see in this work and some others written by her; we can also see this in the last excerpt, when her sister told her mother Julia was writing about this topic.