An airplane is flying at a steady elevation of 14,500 feet. The pilots of the airplane are informed they are approaching a storm, and they will need to ascend to an elevation of 33,000 feet to avoid flying through the storm. As soon as the pilots received the information about the storm, they immediately began to ascend at a constant rate. After 2 minutes, the airplane reached an elevation of 17,000 feet.

Write an equation that could represent the airplane's ascent to the elevation necessary to avoid flying through the storm. Use t to represent the amount of time, in minutes, spent ascending.

Respond in the space provided.

Answer :




Step-by-step explanation:

Let  t minutes be the number of minutes needed to ascend to the height of 33,000 feet.

After 2 minutes, the airplane ascends from the elevation of 14,500 feet to the  elevation of 17,000 feet.

So, it ascends


feeet per minute (this is a slope of linear function)

The equation that represent the airplane's ascent to the elevation necessary to avoid flying through the stor is linear equation


At t = 0 minutes, h = 14,500 feet (initial position of an airplane)

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