c++ You are given an array A representing heights of students. All the students are asked to stand in rows. The students arrive by one, sequentially (as their heights appear in A). For the i-th student, if there is a row in which all the students are taller than A[i], the student will stand in one of such rows. If there is no such row, the student will create a new row. Your task is to find the minimum number of rows created.

Answer :

The below code will help you to solve the given problem and you can execute and cross verify with sample input and output.



 int* uniqueValue(int input1,int input2[])


   int left, current;

   static int arr[4] = {0};

   int i      = 0;



         current = input2[i];

         left    = 0;

         if(current > 0)

         left    = arr[(current-1)];

      if(left == 0 && arr[current] == 0)


       arr[current] = input1-current;




       for(int j=(i+1);j<input1;j++)


           if(arr[j] == 0)


               left = arr[(j-1)];

               arr[j] = left - 1;





return arr;


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