Answer :
The democracy in Athens has been considered one of the first ones to be established around the world.
The democratic model was based on the indirect democracy in which the representatives weren´t selected to be voted. Instead, the population took place on the executive and legislative powers personally. Participation was universal and economic status was not taken into consideration. This model had a contribution during 400 B.C. by Cleisthenes who is considered to be responsible of the creation of the institutions that take place in this type of democracy.
The democracy that existed in Athens during the 400s B.C:
As Greek became more powerful Athens encouraged for political freedom, Democracy began in Athens because the reformer like Solon wanted to stop the abuse of power.
Athens was a direct democracy all Athenian citizens could vote for laws, they can elect officials and serve as the jury, only 20% of the Athens population consist of citizens.
The reformer Solon gave the concept of democracy and he also ended slavery and gave all citizens the right to vote but only adult males could vote women are exempted or could not vote.