Which varies more seasonally, incoming short-wave (solar) radiation or outgoing long-wave (terrestrial) radiation? Which varies more diurnally? Explain your answer.

How would predictions of cloud cover influence a forecast of tomorrow’s high and low temperatures?

Answer :


Yes, cloud cover is an important factor influencing the solar radiation


  • Length of the day and the angle of the sunshine and place located on the sphere of the earth are also considered vital factors in the infrared radiation that reaches the ground and is transferred into space from the same processes.
  • There exists a seasonal variation in the incoming and outgoing of long and shortwave energy of the sun which is related by the earth rotation as a black body at the night.
  • The latitude which is located close to the equator is getting most of the sun rays and have a longer amount of insolation reaching the ground.  
  • Thus the places located on the poles have a lower angle of incidence of rays hence there is less radiation and less amount of energy is generated due to the snow has a very high albedo than the tropics.
  • To predict the weather analysis of clouds over the area needs to be taken care o as these influence the winds and temperature patterns. Like the formation of high and low-pressure areas over the lands.

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