Answer :
SARA: Quiero saber tu opinión sobre el apartamento que visité ayer.
ELENA: Es importante que tú vivas en una buena zona y que estés cómoda en tu casa.
SARA: El apartamento es bonito pero está en las afueras. Es necesario tener coche porque no hay transporte público.
ELENA: Te recomiendo que consigas una vivienda en el centro. Además, Federico y yo queremos que tu esposo y tú se muden a este barrio. Yo te ayudaré a buscar.
SARA: I want to know your opinion about the apartment I visited yesterday.
ELENA: It's important that you live in a good area and that you are comfortable in your home.
SARA: The apartment is nice but it is in the city outskirts. It's necessary to have a car because there is no public transport.
ELENA: I recommend you get a home in the downtown. Besides this, Federico and I want you and your husband to move to this neighborhood. I'll help you to find a place.