Answer :

What are you trying to write?

This is what I came up with. I understand if you don't want to use this. It was a bit different than what I usually write. Lmk what you think:

My legs compel me into a run. The carpet of leaves on the forest floor cling to my bare feet as they brush over them with every fleeting stride. Trees tower over me. I keep running, I have to lose them. After awhile, I begin to slow, opening up my senses, I still hear them.  


The forest ends abruptly, it opens up to a narrow street. It is dimly lit, as the street lights provide a constant glow on the pavement. I step into the open street. Aware of my surroundings. I begin to jog silently across the street when sirens start growing closer. Suddenly a car with flashing lights and blaring sirens pulls onto the street. I freeze. Standing in the middle of the street, the police car halts in front of me. A man steps out of the car, I kneel on the ground and lace my fingers together on the top of my head.  

I’m over.  

The ride to the police station was lengthy and dreadful. This was not the life I imagined for myself. This is not the life my mother wants for me.  

When we arrived, I complied with everything they asked. There is no point in fighting anymore.  

They asked me questions about the party. I answered them truthfully.  

I hated being treated like a criminal, this is not who I am.  

2 weeks later  

I had just finished picking up the remaining pieces of garbage at the park when I noticed the officer walking towards me. I smiled at him.  

“I see you’re turning your life around. I’m proud of you.”  

The pure joy I felt after he said that was more than enough for me to realize, I am free of my past life.  

I am me.  

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