Answer :

A young girl that is 12 but thinks lying about her age is cute.
She's dated around i don't know, 3 thousand guys around 17-20 years old.

She also wears 6 tons of makeup and has a a habit of feeding her clothes to a dog which explains why she shows too much, poor thing
Oh and she thinks she can belly dance, on TikTok.
She recently announced her pregnancy with Mikey Tua....a 16 year old....
Let's all hope this little innocent angel does not end like her mother

Of course she’s a bad influence to teens...




I have been a fan of Dani since 2016. I understand she dates guys and has lots of guy friends but some people are just like that. Honestly guys are easier to hang out with. And i see she shows skin but shes confident with herself! Shes a beautiful girl and shes actually really sweet. No matter what age she is shes still a human and she has feelings like the rest of us. She loves her fans a lot and she gets a lot of hate and shes been through a lot. I dont think shes a bad person, but she makes mistakes like the rest of us. The pregnancy thing was to much! But whether you hate her or love her she still has feelings!

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