Answer :



Fear drove action, because instead of acting in a just way which they would regualry do in a court trial, they acted unreasonably because they were scared. Many people died simply because they were scared that they were witches. Their fear drove them to the action of killing many inncoent people.

Witchcraft in Salem, fear drove to action.

  • The presence of witchcraft in Salem was a nightmare to the colonists.
  • Witchcraft is seen as an evil in Europe in the mid-1400, where people were burned in stakes, tortured and violently killed.
  • The fear in Salem drove innocent people in the trial who were believed to be controlled by the evil.
  • The fear bewitched the colonists in Salem Village, Massachusetts, which led to the death of 18 people who were part of the Witch Hunts.

Therefore we can conclude that witchcraft drove people in fear to do things that put innocent people at risk of getting killed.


Learn more about" Witchcraft" here:

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