
Decide which element probably has a density most and least similar to the density of strontium.
Comnarina density.

Answer :




If we compare the density of strontium with all periodic table elements then the elements with very similar to the strontium density is Aluminium.

The density of aluminium is 2.698 g/cm³ while the density of strontium is 2.64 g/cm³.

While the least similar is Hassium. The estimated value of density of Hassium is 41 g/cm³. There is big difference between between both values.

If the given options are lead, indium, calcium and nitrogen than the elements with the density similar to the density of strontium is calcium.

The density of calcium is 1.54 g/cm³.

The elements with the density least similar to the density of strontium is  lead.

The density of lead is 11.342 g/cm³.

While the density of indium and nitrogen is 7.310 and 0.0012506  g/cm³ respectively.

It can be written as:

Most similar:  calcium, nitrogen, indium, lead.

Least similar: lead, indium, nitrogen, calcium.

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