
Which is the best way to revise this sentence to make it clearer without changing its meaning?

Making a timetable to help you devote the correct amount of time to each school subject is beneficial while also making flash cards is useful for remembering information.

Make a timetable for different school subjects. Then make flash cards to help you study.
Making a timetable is beneficial as also is making flash cards for remembering information.
Making a timetable will help you study different school subjects. As will making flash cards for remembering information.
To help you devote the correct amount of time to different school subjects, make a timetable. To help remember information, make flash cards.
A timetable will help you make time for each school subject. And making flash cards can help you remember information.

Answer :


The answer is D.

In the sentence below the question it is asking you what can you do to change about to sentence without changing the main Idea of it.

The reason why the answer is D is because it is a revised version of the original sentence, and its not changing the main points of it. (plus it has better vocabulary)

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