Answer :
1. The Korean War, which took place in the early fifties, was a very violent war.
Adjective clause: which took place in the early fifties
Relative pronoun: which
Word the clause modifies: The Korean War
2. The American soldiers who fought in Korea struggled against the extreme cold.
Adjective clause: who fought in Korea
Relative pronoun: who
Word the clause modifies: The American soldiers
3. Danny fought in the Vietnam War, another war which claimed many American lives.
Adjective clause: which claimed many American lives
Relative pronoun: which
Word the clause modifies: another war
4. Veteran's Day is a day to remember all the soldiers who have fought to serve our country.
Adjective clause: who have fought to serve our country
Relative pronoun: who
Word the clause modifies: all the soldiers
Adjective clauses are those that modify, describe or give more information about nouns. We can identify them because they are usually placed right next to the noun they describe and beginning with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. As for relative pronouns, they are pronouns that refer to nouns mentioned previously; the most common relative pronouns are who, whom, whose, that and which.