This treaty from the early 18th century both ends the War of Spanish Succession and marks the dawn of Britain's control of the Mediterranean and its subsequent rise to world power status. Under this agreement, Spain loses Flanders and its important Italian territories (e.g., Sicily) as well as control of Menorca and Gibraltar to the British.- Treaty of the Pyrenees- Treaty of Utrecht- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- Treaty of Versailles- Treaty of Paris

Answer :


The Treaty of Utrecht


After 1713, the War of Spanish Succession between England and France was over, and with the Treaty, Felipe is recognized as a legitimate head of Spain. When Philip took the Spanish throne in return he had to renounce to his claim to the French throne

The treaty includes a series of agreements celebrated in the city that holds the name. The rep. of the zones of Europe to the powers.

England saw as a threat to French's emerging power at the beginning of the century, with a possible alliance with Spain.  The immediate aims of Britain came when France was driven from the Spanish Netherlands and Italy, they prevented Spain and France from uniting.

It is widely believed that the British profited the most from the result of the signing of the Utrecht Treaty. The treaty allowed a balance of power in Europe.

The image below shows the distribution of the new kingdoms:

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