Shelly was able to remember the names of three new class members for only a minute or two after they had been introduced to her. During this entire minute or two their names were stored in her ________ memory.

Answer :

Answer: short term memory

Explanation: within the first few minutes of hearing an information it is stored in the short term memory.

Short term memory also known as active memory is the ability or capacity of the brain to store little amount of precise information for a short period of time ( one to two minutes).

During this entire minute or two their names were stored in her short-term memory.

Short-term memory can be define as the process in which  few  information is store for a limited or short period of time.

A person with short-term memory can only retain or store and retrieve the store  information in their memory for a short period which means that the store information can only last for short period of time.

Compare to Long-term memory in which store information can  be retain for a long period of time, a person with short-term memory ability will temporary store information and they can easily forget the store information in their memory after some time.

Inconclusion during this entire minute or two their names were stored in her short-term memory.

Learn more about  short-term memory here:

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