Adaptive defenses include humoral immunity only. Memory B cells areproduced as soon as the B cell binds to an antigen. Adaptive defenses include both humoral and cellular immunity. Innate defenses are enough to keep a person health:___________

Answer :


Adaptive defenses include both humoral and cellular immunity.


The innate immune response is the non-specific immune response and serves to provide an immediate and general immune response. The adaptive immune responses are the specific immune responses. Adaptive immune responses include cell-mediated immunity and antibody-mediated immunity.

Cell-mediated immunity includes T cells (cytotoxic and helper T cells) while antibody-mediated immunity includes the production of antibodies from B cells. Binding of antigen to B cells is followed by their transformation into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Some of the activated B cells form memory B cells that are responsible for quicker and strong secondary immune responses.

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