Answer :
There are many types of meters that you can use to write a poem. It is imporant to know what these meters are and how they function. Iambic is the most frequently used, and it starts off on an unaccented syllable and ends with a stressed syllable. The opposite of iambic is trochiaic, which starts with a stress syllable and then goes into an unaccented syllable. Pyrrhic consists of two syllables that are both unaccented. Dactylic consists of one stressed syllable that comes before two syllables that are both unaccented. Anapestic is the opposite, in which two unaccented syllables come before a stressed syllable. Spondee is simply two stressed syllables. Monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hexameter, and heptameter are meters that simply have the same number of feet as the root word within them (mono = one, di = two, et cetera). Hope this helps.