Answer :
1. In movie '' Coco '', the death is shown differently compared to other animated movies. It's not shown as something that people should fear. We don't see hell, darkness and cold, but angels, pretty clouds and sparkling gates. Everything is so colorful and beautiful, the after life is shown as a different dimension and a warm and safe place for the ones that have passed and left us.
2. Día de los Muertos ( Day of the Dead ) is celebrated by many families in Mexico. It's the same for little Miguel ( the main character of this movie ). This day is used to remember and honor the dear people of ours that passed away.
3. Aztec, Mayans and other indigenous people used to believe that our souls continue to exist after we die, and they reside in the Land of the Dead, which is called Mictlan ( by Aztec people ) and Xibalba ( by the Mayan people ).
The beliefs of Mexican people is that every year, the souls of our loved ones that passed away, return to the Land of Living, so that they can visit their loved ones, and return back to the Land of the dead.
4. The relationship with dead people is the main topic of this movie. The concept of death is presented differently in Mexican culture, and according to them, each death has three types of it.
5. '' The first death '' according to the beliefs of Mexicans, it is the type of death where only physical death is happening. Which means, the death of the body.
6. '' The second death '' is a natural type of death, it's the exact same moment when the body is buried in the ground for the eternal rest, and where the body is returned back to the cycle of nature.
7. '' The third death '' is the most definitive death and there is no turning back. It's when the very last memory of someone permanently fades away. That's why Day of the Dead is important -- its role is to delay the events of forever forgetting someone we love.
8. In movie Coco, Mexican traditions represent certain events that occur in life, but in a more optimistic ways. Unfortunately, life brings not so pretty events, like losing a loved one.
9. Death is represented like something that should not be connected to terror and motivates us to treasure and respect our loved ones while we still can. It reminds us to keep on loving and remembering them even when they leave us, physically. And to never, ever forget them.
10. By the Mexican people, death is considered a transition of the body, while our soul remains the same. A person moves from the Land of the Living, to the Land of the Dead. The colorful afterlife that is waiting for our loved ones, gives us comfort and keeps us at peace, knowing that the ones we love will be looking over us, while we will be keeping them in our memories.