I want you to think about the concept of political socialization. Generally speaking, what does it mean, and what factors influence a person's political socialization? Also, think about your personal political beliefs. Why do you view politics in the way that you do? Is it due to your family, personal experiences, or something else?

Finally, some have criticized the South for being so extremely conservative. In fact, political scientists have argued that the tendency of those in the South to vote conservative, regardless of the candidate, has resulted in southerners removing themselves from national politics. In other words, politicians in both parties no longer spend the time or effort to seriously campaigning in the South because both parties assume that a state like Georgia or Alabama will always vote for the more conservative candidate. As such, candidates save their campaign money for swing states like Florida or Ohio which can be won by either party. What factors cause southern states to be extremely conservative, and are their steps that could be taken to once again make the South relevant in national political debates?

Answer :



Political socialization refers to the values and beliefs you have been taught throughout your lifetime that help shape who you decide to vote for and how you participate in politics.  The South tends to be socially and politically conservative because of their religious beliefs and the nature of the communities there that can be small, traditional, and not very progressive. The political system also makes it unlikely that national politicians would spend much effort in campaigning in states like Alabama or Mississippi.  


Political socialization refers to the values and beliefs that help shape your political views and your political ideology. Your family, for example, can have a great influence on your political socialization. If you are brought up in a family of democrat supporters it might be more difficult that you would support Republican candidates in the future. This is because your family and others in your environment have taught you ideals and values that are more in line with the democratic party. Your education level, the town or city where you live, and your career path or occupation can all contribute to how you are socialized in terms of politics.  

The South has traditionally voted conservative due to cultural and religious beliefs. Southern towns in the Deep South are generally in support of the status quo and the politics that happen in Washington, DC might seem far off and removed from where they are. People living in the southern United States tend to be religious and conservative in their social views and they go to church regularly. Their detachment from national politics is also fed by the system as the states like Georgia and Alabama have fewer congressional seats so it is not really likely to find politicians at the federal level campaigning in these states. Georgia currently has 14 representatives in the House and Alabama has 7 representatives.  

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