Though Christie has completed nursing school, her starting salary and less-than-full time hours place her well below the average RN salary in her state. Having a child that will require daycare but being unable at this point to afford the care, she may well be forced to quit her job and seek public assistance. While she will have a very difficult time managing on the limited assistance, Christie will be experiencing __________. If she had to live on the streets with her children and eat out of garbage cans, instead she would be experiencing __________.

Answer :

Answer:relative poverty; absolute poverty


Relative poverty occurs when an individual has insufficient income which doesn't meet the minimum income required to keep up with the average standard of living in that society that they are in. Relative poverty differs from country to country depending on their overall standards of living in that country some countries have less average standard of living than others.

It changes though overtime due to changes in the society status and their wealth. Average standard of living usually increases with an increase in the wealth of that society.

Absolute poverty is the worst state of poverty because it means there is absolutely no income to be able to meet just basic needs such as food,water,shelter , healthcare ,education and other basic needs.

Economically changes doesn't have any positive impact on this state of poverty even if there is an economical growth.

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