Islam, major world religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th century CE. The Arabic term islam, literally "surrender," illuminates the fundamental religious idea of Islam that the believer "(called a Muslim, from the active particle of islam)" accepts surrender to the will of Allah "(in Arabic, Allah: God)"
True / False.

Answer :




            Islam is the religion of the Muslims. It is a major religion of the world. It belongs to the Semitic family.

            The founder of Islam religion was Muhammad Prophet in the 7th century CE in Arabia. Muhammad Prophet was considered as the last in the series of prophets.

            Allah is considered as a sole God of Islam. The Holy book of the Muslims is the Qur'an.  Muhammad Prophet was born in Mecca, now in present day  Saudi Arabia. Mecca city is considered  the holiest city in Islam and a pilgrimage place to visit for the Muslims once in their life time which is known as 'Hajj'.

             The word "Islam" in Arab means 'to surrender'. It means that every Muslims or believer of Islam accepts to surrender to the will of Allah.

Thus the answer is TRUE.

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