The function below takes one parameter: an integer (begin). Complete the function so that it prints the numbers starting at begin down to 1, each on a separate line. There are two recommended approaches for this: (1) use a for loop over a range statement with a negative step value, or (2) use a while loop, printing and decrementing the value each time.

Answer :



Program is in C++


C++ Code

1) By using For Loop

void forLoopFunction(int value){

for(int start=value; start>0; start--){





Start for loop by assigning the loop variable to parameter value and condition will be that loop variable will be greater then 0 and at the end decrements the loop variable.

2) By usin WhileLoop

void whileLoopFunction(int value){







In while loop first add the condition as variable must be greater then 0 and then print the value with endl sign to send the cursor to next line and at the end of the loop decrements the variable.

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