
Below is a hypothetical developmental pathway. This pathway leads to the expression of a black pigment in certain cells of the ectoderm (the spot cells) which results in the ladybug's spotted appearance. Cells of the ectoderm where black pigment is not produced are red. L ---| D → Y ---| B → black Based on the pathway above, will the spot cells in ladybug mutant lacking the L gene be able to make black pigment

Answer :




According to the given information, the L gene is required to start the pathway as its product starts the pathway of synthesis of black pigment. A mutant cell lacking the L gene would not be able to carry out the conversion of D into Y since it lacks the L gene and L would not be converted into the D.

A metabolic pathway with multiple steps requires the presence of substrate for the downstream reactions to occur. In the absence of a substrate or gene for any of the steps, the downstream reactions of the pathway would not occur and the cell would not form the final product of the pathway. Therefore, the mutant cell would not be able to form black pigment.

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