
9. What relationship did the British have with the Aborigines upon
arriving in Australia?
10. Industries in New Zealand and Australia consist of 2 things.
What are they?
which country has more people? Australia or New Zealand?
Where did most people from the Océania region come from?
Where do most people in Australia live?
How old is the Australian Aborigine culture?
What did Great Britain use Australia for initially?
what are some issues Australia faces in its mining industry?
Why is there no mining activity in Antarctica?
18. What is a food web?
p responsibilities:
Be able to locate Australia's states and 4 major cities
Be able to label the 4 parts of Oceania

Answer :


1 (9). The British and the Aborigines were in terrible conditions, with the British terrorizing them and committing genocide over them.


When the British settled in Australia they encountered the native populations, the Aborigines. They saw the Aborigines as inferior to them, as primitive people, even as animals. Despite the Aborigines being friendly and not being aggressive toward the British, the British were the opposite toward them.

The British were co cruel, that they actually used several different methods to perform a genocide over the Aborigines. There was the systematic killing, but also forcing the Aboriginal women to marry with British men, thus to systematically destroy their gene-pool. Another thing that was done was that the children were taken from their families, given to British families, and were educated in British manner, thus destroying their culture.

Some fact about the Aborigines are:

• They are one of the oldest groups of people in the world

• The Aborigines separated from the rest of the people of Asia between 70,000 and 60,000 years ago

• The Aborigines inhabit Australia fro more than 40,000

Learn more about the  Aborigines


2 (10). The main two industries in Australia and New Zealand are the service industry and the mining industry.


Australia and New Zealand are both countries that are highly developed. Despite being one of the last parts of Earth that were discovered by the Europeans, they quickly managed to develop and become countries that are among the best for living. This has been largely because the people managed to use what the nature offers.

Two two main industries that drive the economy of Australia and New Zealand are the service industry and the mining industry. The service industry revolves a lot around the tourism, and since both countries have a lot to offer in this sector, they manage to accumulate a lot of money from it. These countries are rich with natural resources, and they have established lot of mines to extract them. The mining in fact has been the prime reason as to why these two countries didn't felt the consequences of the world economic crisis.

Learn more about  the industries of New Zealand


3. Australia has larger population than New Zealand.


Australia and New Zealand both have populations that are relatively small for the size of their territories. There are multiple reasons for this. In Australia it is the climate, as the majority of the country is dominated by deserts, semi-arid shrublands, and semi-arid grasslands. New Zealand has problems with the relief, as the country is dominated by very high and very steep mountains.

Australia has population size and density of:

• 25.5 million people

• 3.3 people per square km

New Zealand has population size and density of:

• 4.9 million people

• 18.1 people per square km

While Australia has significantly larger population than New Zealand, which is expected considering the size of the countries. On the other side, New Zealand is much more densely populated, almost six time more. In both countries, the majority of the population is living along the coastline or very close to it, as it is the interior of the countries that has big obstacles.

Learn more about  population density


4. The indigenous populations of Oceania came through Southeast Asia, and belong to the Aboriginal and Polynesian/Lapita lineages.


The indigenous people of Oceania came through the islands of Southeast Asia. They are people groups that are very old, and because of the isolation managed to become genetically unique, as well as developing unique cultures. The people of this part of the world were actually isolated from the rest of the world for tens of thousands of years.

The two major groups from which the people of Oceania originate are:

• Aborigines

• Polynesian/Lapita

The Aborigines were the group of people that inhabited Australia and Tasmania, creating numerous different sub-cultures. The Polynesian/Lapita were a group of people that inhabited the island groups of Micronesia, Polynesia, and Melanesia. The Polynesian/Lapita people were excellent sailors, managing to travel for thousands of km, and there are even some evidence that they might have reached South America.

Learn more about  the Lapita people


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