One type of entrepreneurial business could be an online business, and the article
lists Amazon as an example. If you get a job tomorrow working at Amazon, does
that make you an entrepreneur? Why or why not?

Answer :



No you would not be an entrepreneur


An entrepreneur is someone who creates a business, and also organize the business affairs. The entrepreneur takes on the biggest financial risk.



No, taking a job with Amazon does not make one an entrepreneur


An entrepreneur is an individual that sets up a business or businesses (with the aim of making profit). In any organization, the person or persons that start up the business or businesses are the entrepreneurs while the people employed are the employee of the business/businesses.

Entrepreneurs usually create jobs for the employee and not the other way round (even when the idea could come from the employee).

From the above, it can be deduced that a person who gets a job at Amazon is an employee while the owner of Amazon is the entrepreneur.