Answer :
places to go are
Iglesia de San Clemente
Museo de Arte de Coro
Museo Diocesano Lucas Guillermo Castillo
Museo de Arte Alberto Henríquez
Parque National Médanos de Coro
Casa de las Ventanas de Hierro
Museo de Ceramíca
Museum Alberto Henríquez
Garden Dr. Leon Croizat xerophytic
House Gumersindo Torres
Balcón de Bolívar
Plaza Manaure
Hotels to stay
La Casa de los Pájaros
Hotel Amazonia
Finca El Monte
Narhuaca Posada Turistica, C.A
The Birds’ House
Hotel Miranda Cumberland
Hotel Carrizal Suite
As far as weather is concerned, the city has a peninsular climate. This entails that rainfall in the area is insufficient resulting in droughts. Rainy season is from October to December but for those who wish to experience Coro’s fun in the sun, anytime of the year is appropriate.